Sunday, August 29, 2010


Bumble and Bumble has the cure for the lazy morning.
It's Hair Powder, and it can extend a blow out (or mask a shower-less morn) with texture, subtlety, and best of all, ease.
Image courtesy of
This powdery goodness comes in five shades ranging from white for champagne blondes and silver foxes, to black for you lucky onyx-topped ladies. You can match your hair color for little root touch-ups, or - a tip from my B&B trained stylist - pick up the shade lighter than yours to hide some grease. I'm a brunette, so I have the "Blondish" color and it's true: Works like a charm, and earns its 'dry shampoo' category title.
Image courtesy of

Another one of my favorite qualities of the product is it goes on dry hair. A few squirts to the roots here and there, a few seconds for dry time, and finger style.

Time for a reality check: This guy's a bank buster at *gulp* $35 for 4 ounces (I almost keeled over at the register), but the slim little bottle packs a long-term punch. I've had mine for over a year, and use it at a rate of 3-6 squirts every 2 or 3 days. It also comes in a more try-it friendly price and size: A one ounce bottle for $19.

I actually have become so attached to the product I'm going to spring for the 1oz. bottle too for plane travel. I'm a carry-on only type of gal, so everything's gotta be 3 ounces or less to pass muster.

Catch the buzz.

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