Friday, August 20, 2010

Bring Home the 'Bucks

'Via' is Starbucks' line of instant coffee in individual packets. Now, personally when I think of instant coffee, I think of those rattly, dry crystals, and... well, Grandma. Via has changed that in a major way, using real-deal ground coffee in a packaging that keeps all those good smelling oils in tact. No rattle here.
Image courtesy of
While I love a hot cuppa joe on a cold day, I am generally an iced coffee kind of gal. Iced mocha, to be specific. 
Image courtesy of

So you can imagine my joy when the 'Bucks put their newest addition to the Via family on the shelves this month: Via Iced.
Image courtesy of
It saves me not only a few minutes when getting out of the house in the morning, but the different-every-day time spent in the coffee drive-thru, not to mention MY bucks Starbucks swallows up. Right now on you can get a 5 pack of Via Iced for $4.95 and free shipping to boot (good through 8/30, so get on the stick!). That's less than $1 a cup! No tipping necessary.
World's Best hot chocolate, Costco style.
And as for my mocha, here's how I do it: Heat a mug of water in the microwave. Dump a pack of hot chocolate into a travel mug. Pour the hot water in the travel mug, seal, shake. Put in the fridge overnight. In the a.m., open 'er up, dump in the Via packet, shake and go! Delicious iced mocha. 
How I roll... Outta bed.

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