Monday, August 2, 2010

Pashmina Afghan

If you're an Andy Samburg fan, you got a giggle out of my title. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch this (um, not kid-friendly for the record) first, get a good laugh, and come on back.

I kid you not, however: Pashmina afghan is about the best title for this most fabulous of wardrobe pieces. Part cardigan, part pashmina, part blanket, all chic, this... we'll call it a wrap for short, has become one of my wardrobe staples.

I picked up one in my fave shade - An acidic yellow-green - for the jaw-dropping bargain basement price of $14.99 during the last end-of-season sale.

Cotton-cashmere, people.

The regular price of $58 is back in effect currently, but let me tell you once and for all: Beyond worth it. It's the coziest thing you'll ever wear while looking pulled together, and it can be styled six(!) ways.

Check it out:
Directions courtesy of

So even at the full price of $58, with six styles to suit your mood, that evens out to only $9.66 a sweater.


And I promise you, this is not a buyer's remorse kind of purchase. Wear it to the office, wear it to top off evening wear, wear it with yoga pants.

Buy it, wear it, love it. And if you're anything like me, live in it.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure why Blogger doesn't support the format of the directions. If you'd like them emailed to you, leave me a comment with your email address and I'm happy to send them your way!
