Saturday, August 21, 2010

3-Minute Mug Cake

Okay, so this isn't exactly a tip or trick, and it's definitely NOT fashion-friendly, but it is delicious.

It's also about a 10 minute round trip from pulling ingredients out of the cupboard to a hot mug full of chocolatey goodness.
My fave mug, courtesy of soon-to-be-Mrs. MBM
So. In your fave (microwave safe) mug, mix:

*4 Tbs. flour
*4 Tbs. sugar
*2 Tbs. cocoa powder

Mix 'em up. Now add:

*1 egg
*3 Tbs. milk
*3 Tbs. oil (I used vegetable)
*3 Tbs. chocolate chips
*1 small splash vanilla extract

Zap in the microwave for 3 minutes (in a 1,000 watt oven). If you watch it, you'll see the cake come up over the top of the mug. Don't fret: It will hold it's shape and you won't have a microwave to scrub down. Let it cool - seriously - then you can slide it out onto a plate, or, my fave, grab a spoon and the handle of that mug.
All set for some dvr'd Project Runway
Is it the best chocolate cake you'll ever eat? No. But it is hot, homemade, chocolate comfort in a personal size container. Toss a garnish on if you're so inclined: Ice cream, cinnamon, fruit or chocolate syrup. You could even share with a pal.



  1. Yumm! I'm going to have to try this. LOVE the mug too.

  2. I've tried it since tossing in some nutmeg in one go 'round and a handful of peanut butter M&M's in another. Both get two very enthusiastic thumbs up. 'Specially the nutmeg. YUM.
