Tuesday, June 14, 2011

30 Days Update

How are you doing on  your 30 Days? I'm hoping even if you're not creating, you're seeing things in a different light as you're out there in the world. I know I've actually been turning pages of magazines with an eye for "can I make that myself somehow?" and ripping out inspiration pages left and right.
 Image courtesy of RockbrookCamp.com

Note to self... Purchase second bulletin board...

Here's my latest attempt at trying to master a new creative feat: The Chevron Friendship Bracelet. Remember those guys? Takes me back to camp bunks and taking a polar bear plunge in the wee hours of the morning in a freezing lake.

Super on-trend for summer, the old-school friendship bracelet is back and now can be created with more dextrous fingers and better taste in color than when you were nine (...well, hopefully).
First Attempt Bracelet by Yours Truly!
 Here's the tutorial I used to learn via Honestly...WTF. Clear instructions with lovely photos of each step. Fun and easy to do while catching up on all those mind expanding documentaries waiting on your dvr... like... The Bachelorette.

'Fess up, I know it's not just me.
Nearly Finished - Note the Puggle lounge in the background...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Inspiration Station

How are you feeling about the 30 Day Challenge in my last post? A little daunting, no?

Let me offer a little inspiration - Even if  you're not Challenge-ing, it'll be some deeeeelish eye candy.
 My fave blog for inspiration on all fronts, Honestly...WTF is not nearly as rough around the edges as the title may make it appear. The best friend duo of a stylist and photographer co-author the site from different cities, taking their own incredible photographs, offering DIY (do it yourself) projects that will blow your mind, and featuring artists who work in all forms of media.
Talk about dreamy...
Custom-made Vans for Robert Verdi, inspired by his collection of vintage Hermes scarves.
DIY hex-nut bracelet - I made my own based on the site's directions!

 TopShop look book loveliness

I can't even say I'm scratching the surface of this incredible one-year-old site. They're prolific post-ers, so you're sure to get something for your eyeballs to snack on daily. 

Honestly... Check it out.

~All images courtesy of Honestly...WTF~