I've been on a bit of a crafty kick of late - sitting at a desk drooling over blogs will do that to you - and have found this line of the 30 Days challenge to be true: "Your brain is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets." I'm going to add increased flexibility to that too - Once I get going on a project I find I'm already thinking about my next, and how I can stretch it and make it better!
Image courtesy of TheBookAndItsCover.blogspot.com
Now. I have friends who say (*ahem* EKD.) that they're not crafty. Lies! Crafty doesn't mean you're able to make a store-ready creation that the world will be clamoring for.
Far from it.
You can get crafty by adding a different spice to your tried and true recipe. Or by figuring out a new way to hang up your pile of necklaces. Try a new hairstyle. Eye makeup. Refrigerator magnet configuration. Or - my current obsession - by hacking up t-shirts to make them customized. Anything goes, and 100% counts as creativity if it's off your normal beaten track.
Image courtesy of rossauction.com
Go forth and create! If you want to share your work with the creators and followers of the project, feel free to email photos to submit@30daysofcreativity.com, or follow them on Twitter: #30daysofcreativity.Image courtesy of Wikepedia.com